Our Services

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General Coordination:

  • Active participation in Project Team Meetings
  • Provide preliminary evaluation of design criteria, project schedule, and project budget
  • Site visits and miscellaneous site investigative work
  • Provide construction information and recommendations

Constructability Program:

  • Conduct thorough constructability reviews of all design documents
  • Review and advise on proposed site use and layout and orientation of structures
  • Provide constructability reports to design team
  • Track questions, resolutions, decisions, and directives related to constructability reviews


  • Prepare initial project cost estimate, update, and refine as the design documents progress
  • Review appropriateness of proposed materials and systems; suggest alternative materials, methods, and systems that could provide enhanced long term value to the project; provide cost comparative analysis of same
  • Involve major subcontractors for both cost input and systems review/analysis


  • Develop preliminary CPM project schedule; identify milestones
  • Expand schedule to include proportionately more detail as design progresses
  • Define project phasing and sequencing; explore opportunities for early start of project
  • Include procurement requirements for long lead times
  • Integrate critical Owner requirements, activities, and milestones into schedule

Coordination of Design and Construction Documents:

  • Carefully study and compare drawings and specifications and provide report to design team regarding omissions or inconsistencies
  • Review all documents to ensure agreement between and within themselves; report conflicts to design team

Construction Planning and Bid Package Strategy:

  • Recommend organization of construction documents to facilitate bidding
  • Define and develop appropriate bid packages
  • Advise necessary testing and/or inspections
  • Assist Architect in the permitting process

Safety and Logistics:

  • Develop project logistics plan to provide proper organization of the site during construction with respect to office locations, egress routes, fencing, materials storage, staging areas, parking, temporary facility locations, utility locations and access
  • Conduct initial and follow up safety reviews of design documents.  Advise design team of any specific safety hazards inherent to the project; provide recommendations of elements to include in the documents to properly address safety concerns

Develop and Present GMP:

  • Establish bid date and time; publicly advertise and solicit competitive lump sum subcontractor proposals
  • Develop and publish selection criteria for subcontractors
  • Schedule and conduct pre-bid conferences
  • Review and evaluate subcontractor proposals
  • Compile, present, and review with the Project Team the GMP including tabulation of proposals received, evaluations of those proposals, and recommendations of subcontractors to be awarded the work
  • Present GMP to Owner for approval

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At Drymalla Construction, we do not believe construction companies build projects - the people that are employed by those entities build the projects, and they build much better projects when those people embrace the opportunity to work as positive team members and gain from the expertise and experience of all parties involved.  At Drymalla, our people are our greatest strength...people not only with years of experience in building educational facilities, but people with years of experience in the Construction process.  People that understand how vital it is to build relationships based upon trust and respect with all other design and construction team members.

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Warranty & Closeout

Drymalla Construction has a dedicated Warranty Manager that receives, distributes, and tracks all warranty reports to ensure they are addressed timely and completely.

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“Safety First, Safety Always” is the motto of Drymalla Construction Company’s Safety Department, and it is the mindset that the firm incorporates into every job. Our site safety program has been created to anticipate, recognize and control safety risks. This program infuses different approaches of safety management in order to mitigate safety risks to both the contracted workers and the general public. The site safety program requires that all construction workers comply with federal regulations found in 29 CFR Part 1926 OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry. Drymalla has a “zero tolerance” policy towards substance abuse, backed by a strong Drug and Alcohol Policy and in-house drug testing program. Newly hired personnel are tested before stepping into the field, and quarterly random tests are done. Post accident drug testing and reasonable suspicion testing are also incorporated into the Policy. All jobsite superintendents and project managers are required to have an updated CPR/First Aid card and completed an OSHA approved 30-hour training course. Workplace safety is critical to Drymalla Construction Company, Inc. and its employees’ success. Drymalla believes safety is everyone’s responsibility and empowers all employees to actively monitor and take all actions necessary to ensure a safe work environment for all project participants.

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Drymalla's concept for working in a team environment is one of cooperation, with all team members collaborating to achieve a common goal. Trust is the foundation upon which strong team relationships are developed. Drymalla seeks to nurture a feeling of trust with the other team members from the outset of the preconstruction process.  Our team members strive to meet and exceed commitments and deadlines to demonstrate reliability and dependability, which enhances an atmosphere of trust. Our team members realize that they must be loyal to the team and committed to the team objective; that there is no room for individual goals within the team. All members must be united in the pursuit of the team goal.

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Drymalla’s project team is equipped with the most current communication and collaboration technology. Furthermore, Drymalla’s staff is experienced in numerous Project Management software programs and are prepared to customize the project’s process to suit the needs of our clients.